1) What is the Adv. Green Belt Basic Package?
Stability Principles
Ground Power
Striking Principles
Basic Spiritual Attack Weapons
Present Time
Physical Fighting Potential
No-Win Domination
Blade Theory
Warrior Convictions
End Result
2) What are your Stability Principles?
Locate in the Center.
Project down and create a heavy base.
Move with a Unified Body
3) Define Ground Power.
As the Stability Principles are created, the student allows the energy in the base to flow up and out through the striking limb and into the opponent's body.
4) Name and define the Striking Principles for the Advanced Green Belt level.
Rooting: Practicing segmented strikes in which the body sets and connects to the floor at the same time contact occurs.
Retraction: Practicing a pull back of one's strikes and kicks immediately after contact is made. The striking limb retracts before the rest of the body rotates into the next strike.
Momentum: Practicing taking an initial step every now and then in a combination to add power from gravity and centrifugal force.
Penetration: Practicing driving each blow deep into the opponent’s body many inches past surface contact. One should feel as if their energy continues on into and through the opponent’s body.
Explosions: Practicing a peak of ones physical potentials and spiritual energies at the moment of impact.
Compensation: Practicing positioning the center towards the force feedback experienced when making contact.
Create the Desired Force: Creating a realistic cause level and then letting that energy imbue the physical form.
Transfer the Force: Unloading all spiritual energy into the opponents body at the moment of impact.
Depth to Maximum Resistance: Being sure to penetrate on the target to the point where you can go no further without injury.
Loose to Potential: Being sure to keep your body loose until maximum resistance, and then at that point, mobilizing to your utmost potential.
Physical/Spiritual Peaking: At the moment the strike hits maximum resistance, the body and spirit peak to a level outside the opponent’s ability to confront thereby overwhelming him.
Total Commitment: A spiritual state whereupon the student strikes with total freedom physically, mentally, and spiritual to their greatest potential. There is a feeling of being ‘all-in’ when making a strike.
No Ego: A spiritual state whereupon the student strikes without a need to impress.
No Fear: A spiritual state where the student strikes their target without any hesitation, doubt, or anxiety.
5) Name and define the four types of Breathing.
Normal Breathing – The breathing that is done at normal everyday energy levels.
Geared Breath – Coordinating your breathing with the amount of physical energy being used. (If one moves slowly one breaths fully slowly and vice versa)
Kiai – Coordinating a tightening of your breath at the exact moment that contact is made. This helps steel your body against damage, to surprise your opponent, to maximize your physical potentials for more power, and to coordinate the spirit and body to peak at that exact moment of impact.
Rejuvenating – Taking three deep rejuvenating breaths, each held longer than the one before, then blowing out the air. After the three rejuvenating breaths, take 2-3 deep cleansing breaths. If done correctly you should feel close to even.
6) What are the Basic Spiritual Attack Weapons?
Sending a Disruptive Emotion
Sending a Picture of the Damage your blow will do
Cause Level
7) Define the term "Present Time".
The spiritual ability to gather one's attention from the past and future, and bring it completely into the present moment.
8) What do we mean by "Physical Fighting Potential"?
It is the ability for a Warrior to bring to bear, through experience and familiarity, all physical fighting potential to full mobilization in an instant, at will.
9) Define the term "No-Win Domination".
A spiritual state that a student creates, that allows the opponent no wins physically, mentally, or spiritually.
10) What are the three blade colors?
Blue, Green, and Purple.
11) What is the spiritual orientation of a Green Blade?
Love Oriented.
12) What is the spiritual orientation of a Blue Blade?
Cause Oriented.
13) What is the spiritual orientation of a Purple Blade?
Understanding Oriented.
14) What does it mean to be a Red Blade?
A person whose spiritual orientation is to be Negative.
15) Describe the feeling of the energy created by knowing your Blade.
Calm and Still.
16) What is the direction of the flow when creating one’s Blade Color?
Inflow and Outflow.
17) What is the power source for Blade Theory?
Knowledge and understanding of oneself.
18) What are the Cause Levels?
19) What are the Effect Levels?
20) Where does a Warrior’s power come from?
21) Define the virtue of Perseverance.
The ability to continue moving towards a desired goal, while overcoming any barriers as necessary.
22) Define the virtue of Respect.
The ability to recognize the ability or worth of a person or thing, and continuing to treat them or it with the appropriate appreciation.
23) Define the virtue of Justice.
The ability to recognize the positive results that occur when one does what is right.
24) Define the virtue of Patience.
The ability to wait and allow something to happen in its proper or optimal time.
25) Define the virtue of Fairness.
The ability to act in a manner with equal care for the benefit of all parties, without prejudice.
26) Define the virtue of Rightness.
The ability to be selfless while doing that which is most positive for the benefit of all.
27) Define the virtue of Integrity.
The ability to maintain your chosen positive character intact, while resisting any negative internal or external influences.
28) Define the virtue of Courage.
The ability to do what is right no matter the personal danger or reluctance.
29) Define the virtue of Honor.
The ability to feel your own personal worth and self esteem and reflect that in your conduct and view of self.
30) Define the virtue of Discipline.
The ability to control physical and mental motivations from a higher spiritual viewpoint.
31) Define the virtue of Sacrifice.
The ability to give up something of value for a purpose believed to be of greater importance.
32) Define the virtue of Duty.
The ability to act in a manner which is required or expected after binding yourself in agreement to another.
33) Define the virtue of Loyalty.
The ability to act in a manner of unconditional support once allegiance is given.
34) Define the virtue of Honesty.
The ability to speak the truth regardless of any possible undesirable consequences.
35) Define the virtue of Compassion.
The ability to recognize and understand the rightness in a person’s actions for that person at that time, despite any undesirable effects being created by that person. It is the willingness to help and/or forgive a person who is basically overwhelmed.
36) Define the virtue of Forgiveness.
The ability to set aside one’s pain and automatic human reactions, and reestablish connection and support of another, based on your greater care that they may learn, grow, and improve themselves later with your help.
37) Define the virtue of Gratitude.
The ability to be thankful for all aspects of the experience of life.
38) What is the most pure form of Virtue?
39) What Virtues make up Love?
40) When is it right to fight?
Only when it is the last recourse to uphold virtue.
41) Define the term "Baggage".
Attention that is stuck on events that occurred in the past making it difficult to see things clearly. This is also known as Charge.
42) Why is it beneficial for a Warrior to clear their charge from the past?
So that the locked attention can be freed up to aid in the Present Time.
43) What process do we use to clear your charge on the Adv. Green Level?
The Virtue Evaluation Process.
44) How does this process work?
Through communication the student confronts and speaks about their negative experiences and flows off their charge to their guide.
45) What abilities does an Apprentice gain through the use of this process?
The ability to connect and flow off another’s Charge.
46) What is the power source for Virtue?
Its importance to you.
47) Describe the feeling of the energy created by Virtue’s importance to you.
The energy created by Virtue is Uplifting and Solemn.
48) What is the direction of the flow when creating Virtue?
It is an Inflow.
49) What is the power source for the Warrior Code?
The conviction one feels for oneself regarding each aspect of the code.
50) Describe the feeling of the energy created by the Warrior Code’s conviction.
The energy created by the Warrior Code is Powerful and Determined.
51) What is the direction of the flow when creating the Warrior Code?
An Outflow.
52) What is the power source for End Result?
The certainty of the decision is the power source for End Result.
53) Describe the feeling of the energy created by End Result’s decision.
The energy created by End Result is unavoidable.
54) What is the direction of the flow when creating End Result?
Inflowing, outflowing, and then still.
55) What are the physical elements of the Mass Attack strategy?
Don’t let the physical space collapse around you.
Maintain a physical orientation of fighting everyone simultaneously.
Use anything you can as a weapon.
Be effective physically. Share your blows. Finish your opponents off in three attacks or less.
Be efficient physically. Breathe. Share your blows. Line them up to fight fewer.
Keep any Mass Attack encounter as short as possible. Disengage from the encounter as soon as you are able and clear the scene.
56) What are the spiritual elements of the Mass Attack strategy?
Spiritually create an 8-foot space around yourself.
Out-create the sum total of the group's cause level, not the individuals.
Create an aura of deathfulness around you.
Impinge strongly on all of the opponents at the same time.
End the encounter spiritually once a lull in the fight occurs.
57) What is the percentage of attention on self during practice?
30% on self, and 70% on the opponent.